Wilma Slabbert is a 5 year old Spina Bifida Child. She is highly intelligent and very active.
At the age of approximately 2 years, she started developing recurrent urinary tract infections. Over the next two and a half years, the infections increased in severity and duration despite all her mothers’ efforts. She was treated with antibiotic after antibiotic, each course longer than the previous one.
After numerous consultations with GP’s and Specialists it was determined that she had a chronic problem with her urinary system due to the Spina Bifida. She had little or no control over her bladder, which led to urine retention and reflux which made her more susceptible to infection. Her one kidney had been damaged by the repeated infections, and was only functioning 10% of its capacity. Armed with all this information her mother was still powerless to prevent the next infection.
Sandra, Wilma’s mother was introduced to HerbaZone’s Cranberry Capsules in November 2006 by a new HerbaZone Consultant familiar with Wilma’s condition.
Within the first few days, Sandra noticed that the urine would have some pus in it early in the morning. She would give Wilma a capsule, and at 10:00 am the urine would be clear. It is now three months later and Wilma has had only one U.T.I. since starting the Cranberry Capsules. This was due to diarrhoea that she and her little brother had.
Sandra has proudly introduced our Cranberry Capsules to her family members in Namibia. Just this morning she has placed an order for 10 units to take them when she goes there on holiday in a few weeks time.
HerbaZone’s Cranberry Capsules has improved the quality of Wilma’s life immensely, with continued treatment I am certain that further damage to her organs can be prevented.
Confidently your Agent:
23 February 2007